Welcome to Chicagoland Lithuanian Rotaract

Meeting President Nauseda of the Republic of Lithuania

Annual Starved Rock Trash Clean Up

Heart to Heart Fundraiser 2022

Thanksgiving Service Project

Sunday, November 17, 2024
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Together with @lithuanianrotary we gathered for a heartwarming holiday collaboration, embodying the true spirit of giving! As part of our service project, we worked hand-in-hand to assemble festive gift baskets filled with thoughtful treats and essentials, carefully curated to bring joy and comfort to seniors in our community. These baskets weren’t just about the items inside but about sharing kindness, connection, and a reminder that they are cared for. It’s always inspiring to see how teamwork and compassion can brighten lives. Together, we’re making a lasting impact! Thank you for the support of @rotary6450 and Sesel? Laimute!
#Rotaract #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf #HolidayGiving #CommunityLove

College 101: Informational Session

Thursday, October 3, 2024
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We had the pleasure to come together with our peers and present to parents and students about pressing higher educational topics. Touching upon financial aid, application processes, internship, scholarships and more! We hope to continue to share our knowledge to current and future students! 

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Meet our paw-fect pals!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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We are so grateful to have visited A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter and donated dry dog and cat food, along with some tasty treats! We hope that with our donations, the shelter is able to fill the bowls of these loving animals to prepare them for their new homes. We could not...

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Bendruomenes diena - 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Car Wash - 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Wow, what a day! We hosted our second annual Car Wash Fundraiser! Huge thank you to everyone who stopped by our car wash. Your support not only left your cars sparkly clean but also fueled our mission as a club. Together, we’re making a real difference! #SparklingSupport #carwashforacause #communityshine #rotary #rotaract

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Feed My Starving Children

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In honor of World Hunger Day, our club came together to pack meals for third world countries at Feed My Starving Children. With love and joy, we send good spirits in hopes of eradicating this global issue!

College Panel

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Our student panel was a success! Our members enjoyed sharing their educational experiences with parents and students in the Lithuanian community. Thank you to everyone who came out!

Happy Earth Day!

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On Saturday, a few of our members attended an Earth day event at @theforgelemont. They enjoyed their time together by clearing out some invasive species, planting new trees, as well as visiting our club's oak tree to see how much it’s grown since planting it last year!

Per Kancias I Zvaigzdes - Reaching For The Stars

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Musu 2024-ju metu labdaros renginys bus ispidingas! Kartu po žvaigždem pabendrausim, užkandžiausim, lošime loterijoje ir netgi šoksime su Lietuvos žvaigžde, Vidu Bareikiu!

Bilietai tuoj bus prekyboje!
(Old Vilnius, Cafe Smilga, Lithuanian Plaza arba Zelle [email protected])

Susitikim Kovo 23d. 7:00 vv!


We invite you to spend a starry night at our 2024 fundraiser for “Child’s Gate to Learning”.

Join us for a spectacular night with divine bites, refreshing drinks, an intriguing lottery and silent auction, and dance the night away with Lithuania’s own star, Vidas Bareikis!

Tickets will soon be for sale! (Old Vilnius, Cafe Smilga, Lithuanian Plaza or Zelle at [email protected])

We will see you on March 23rd at 7:00 PM!

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Merry Christmas - 2023

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May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path. Wishing you a season that's merry and bright!

Rotaract of Chicagoland Lithuanians wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Freshly Roasted Coffee

Saturday, December 9, 2023
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Are you running low on coffee? Ethiopian coffee! $15 a bag!

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TLC Animal Shelter - Blankets For The Fur Babies

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With Thanksgiving around the corner, we wanted to give back and thank the volunteers at workers at TLC Animal Shelter! During our Rotaract Friendsgiving we each collected and donated blankets to TLC in hopes of keeping the fur babies warm this winter. Huge thank you to Odete for organizing this opportunity for us!

Car Wash For Charity

Sunday, September 10, 2023
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SAVE THE DATE!!! Rotaract of Chicagoland Lithuanians presents our car wash for charity!

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Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world.


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to create lasting

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in our communities, and in ourselves.